How to Help Your Nonprofit Thrive, With a Nonprofit Dashboard


As the number of nonprofits increase in this world, find that it can be hard to keep everything in one place and have the resources you need with often constrained budgets and headcount.

Between knowing who’s handling what, how many volunteers you have, promoting and tracking analytics for your events—things can get pretty hectic. If you want to truly have a smoothly operating nonprofit, you need to tap in to technology to connect and activate potential givers, and increase your operational capacity.

Using a dashboard can help you see an overview of analytics on how your nonprofit has performed over time, and allow you to easily post and promote events to a larger audience.

It’s important to track progress towards your goals, promote events with a click of a button, identify find patterns among your volunteers and their interests, and even spot problems before they occur. Operating without a nonprofit dashboard can be detrimental to your organization and will likely cost you many opportunities to reach new volunteers, donors and more. Overall, implementing a dashboard into your nonprofit will give you the opportunity to visualize your successes and show them to the world! After all, people are more likely to give their time to an organization that has credibility and concrete proof that they are making a difference in this world.

With the Swoovy nonprofit dashboard, nonprofits not only access volunteer data and analytics of what the value of contributed volunteer hours equates to, there is a marketing resources library available for users to gain assistance in digital marketing, templates for fundraising, and more. On the top of the screen, you can view the total amount of volunteer hours that have been given through your organization, your monetary impact, number of volunteers interested in your events and total events posted. From here, you can also list & manage upcoming events.

The Swoovy Nonprofit Dashboard is an incredibly powerful volunteer management software that will help you take your organization to the next level. If you want to learn more about how a nonprofit dashboard can serve your organization, contact for more information.

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